You had how many jobs in college?

The phrase goes, Work smarter, not harder, right?

Okay, so obviously I march to my own drumbeat because in my three and a half years at The University of Alabama (Roll Tide) I:

  • Always had more than a full course load (why not take 18 hours when your scholarship covers it, right?)
  • Took on waitressing, interning as an assistant for one of my professors and a student reporter position at Alabama Public Radio for an entire semester
  • Was awarded two bachelor’s degrees: one in Public Relations and the other in English Literature
  • Finished my first book (which is looking for a publisher)
  • Adopted a cat named Daisy — and I will happily send cute photos of her
  • Volunteered as a retreat leader for Outback, America for three semesters
  • Found time to attend lots of football games, see a lot of cool Shakespeare plays (and reenact one too!) and travel around the state of Alabama
  • Spent my last semester learning French at the Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Oh right, I also graduated on May 2018 Magna Cum Laude with a 3.85 GPA